Win a Norton for the start of the biking season!

To celebrate 125 years, Norton and Bikesure have teamed up to loan one lucky winner a Silver 961 SP for 125 days.

For your chance to win this amazing prize, fill out the form below.

Silver 961 SP

This competition has ended.

Terms & Conditions

General Competition Terms and Conditions

These rules and any other rules specified by Adrian Flux Insurance Services or any of its group of companies (the “Company”) from time to time (“Competition Rules”) apply to any competition which is run by or on behalf of the Company (“Competition”). By taking part in a Competition, you agree to be bound by the Competition Rules and by the decisions of the Company which are final in all matters relating to the Competition. The Company reserves the right to disqualify any entrant and/or winner in its absolute discretion for any reason and without notice in accordance with the Competition rules.

All entries must be received at the place specified during the period in which the Competition is open and late or incomplete entries will be disqualified. Proof of posting (if relevant) shall not be deemed proof of delivery. No responsibility can be accepted for entries which are lost, delayed, misdirected or corrupted during delivery to the place specified for any reason whatsoever.

Entries must be submitted by an individual (not via any agency or similar) and, unless otherwise stated, are limited to one per household. Prizes may be provided by a third party sponsor of the Competition. The Company reserves the right in its sole discretion to substitute any prize with cash or a prize of comparable value.

The winning entry will be that which has met the entry criteria and which most closely meets the Competition criteria specified.

Unless otherwise stated, each Competition is open to all GB residents of 18 years and over, except employees of: (a) the Company; and (b) any third party appointed by the Company to organise and/or manage the Competition; and (c) the Competition sponsor(s).

By entering a Competition you:

  • grant the Company, any third parties appointed by the Company for the purpose of organising and/or managing the Competition and the Competition sponsor(s) permission to use your name and likeness for the purpose of organising and/or managing the Competition, for announcing the winner of the Competition and for related promotional purposes; and
  • grant the Company and any Competition sponsor(s) the right to use your personal information to send you information about their respective products and services which may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive this information, please follow the instructions given.
  • accept that all entries will become the property of the Company upon receipt and will not be returned. You will retain all rights you have in the copyright and other intellectual property rights comprising the Competition entry but, by entering the Competition, you grant the Company and its licensees the right free of charge to republish your Competition entry;
  • waive any moral rights or similar rights you have in your Competition entry whether such rights arise pursuant to the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988 (the “Act”) or equivalent legislation anywhere in the world; and
  • warrant to the Company that the Competition entry is wholly original to you and not wholly or substantially copied from any other material and that the Competition entry does not defame, cause injury to or invade the privacy of or otherwise infringe or violate any statutory, common law, regulatory or intellectual property rights of any third party.


You may be offered the chance to subscribe for a free newsletter or other service of the Company but failing to do this will not disqualify you from a Competition.

If you are a winner, you may have to provide additional information (including, without limitation, proof of age or identity) and/or complete additional documents and return them to the Company within a specified period. Failure to provide additional information and/or complete additional documents within the required time period, or notification returned as undeliverable as addressed will result in your disqualification as a winner and an alternative winner will be selected.

The name(s) of the winner(s) and details of the winning entry or entries will be sent to anyone who requests the same within three (3) months of the closing date of the Competition. Requests should be sent to the postal or email address for competition entries and, if postal, should be accompanied by an SAE.

If you are a winner of a Competition:

  • the receipt by you of any prize is conditional upon you complying with any and all applicable laws, rules and regulations including, without limitation, the Competition Rules;
  • you acknowledge and agree that neither the Company or any Competition sponsor(s) or any of their employees, agents or subcontractors shall have any liability to you whatsoever in connection with your use and/or possession of your prize, provided that nothing in these Competition Rules shall exclude or limit the liability of any party for personal injury or death caused by negligence or for anything else which cannot be excluded or limited by law.


Unless otherwise stated, the Company is the promoter of the Competition.

If any of these rules are deemed to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the affected rules shall be deleted from these Competition Rules but the remaining rules shall continue in full force and effect.

These Competition Rules and each Competition are governed by English law. Any disputes arising between the Company and any third party in relation to these Competition Rules and/or a Competition shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales (save that the Company shall be entitled to take action against a third party in any other jurisdiction).

  1. The prize is in the form of a loan of a Norton Motorcycle supplied by Norton Motorcycles Co. Ltd
  2. The model and period of the loan to be made available will be a 961 SP Silver Commando March 1st 2024 – July 3rd 2024
  3. Norton Motorcycles Co. Ltd reserve the right to amend the model available at their absolute discretion
  4. Ownership of the prize motorcycles remains with Norton Motorcycles Co. Ltd
  5. Mileage of the bike must not exceed 2000 miles
  6. Entrants must hold a valid Cat A UK licence to enable them to ride an unrestricted motorcycle within the UK
  7. Entrants must have no more than six penalty points on their driving licence
  8. Bikesure will supply a fully comprehensive insurance policy for the term of the loan subject to the Prize being kept in a locked garage or building when at the home address of the policy holder and subject to the winner meeting Bikesure’s underwriting criteria to offer a policy
  9. Choice of colour of the Prize is subject to availability.
  10. Maintenance of the Prize during loan must be borne by the winner.
  11. Fuel will not be supplied and will be the responsibility of the winner
  12. The Draw is open to all UK residents except employees and their immediate families of Norton Motorcycles Co. Ltd or Adrian Flux Insurance Services or associated companies, their dealers, agents or anyone professionally connected with them.
  13. No purchase necessary.
  14. There is a limit of one entry per person. (Duplicate entries will be disqualified)
  15. No responsibility can be accepted for entries which are lost, delayed, misdirected or corrupted during delivery to or from the Promoters.
  16. Only completed entries will be entered into the Draw.
  17. Entries must be received by no later than 4.00pm on 10th December 2023. Entries received after this time will not be accepted.
  18. The winner will be selected at random shortly after
  19. The winner will be notified by email and telephone within 3 days.
  20. If the winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize within 3 days of notification, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and draw a replacement winner.
  21. The winner may be featured in promotional material and be required to take part in other PR activity without entitlement to any financial reward.
  22. The Prize is subject to availability and the Promoters reserve the right to substitute the Prize with another of equivalent value without giving notice. The Prize is not transferable and no cash alternative is available.
  23. Entrants agree to these rules by entering the prize draw.
  24. For Bikesure’s privacy policy visit:

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) registration number 307071